What is Physical Literacy?

by Leigh Cove Algonquin College Sport Business Management Intern Muscle memory is a well-known term in active living and sport. The idea that once you have learned something and practiced it, your muscles will begin to move with the pattern of the motions each time you use them until those patterns become natural. Physical literacy takes this idea and applies it to the learning and development of...Read more

College Athletes and Depression

There is a common perception that college athletes are tough and should be able to resolve problems that might lead to depression . In fact, just the opposite might be true. Having to handle what is essentially a full-time job and keep up with schoolwork might leave them feeling less well-adjusted than non-athletes. Along with the stigma attached to mental health issues, especially in the...Read more

Athlètes collégiens et dépression

Plusieurs pensent que les athlètes collégiens sont suffisamment solides pour venir à bout des problèmes même ceux pouvant mener à une dépression *. En fait, c’est l’inverse qui pourrait s’avérer juste. Ils ont à composer avec ce qui ressemble à un travail à temps plein en plus de se tenir à jour dans les travaux scolaires : cette situation peut les amener à se sentir moins bien adaptés que les...Read more

Instaurer une philosophie du coaching

À tous les niveaux, le Apprenez à bien vous connaître, car vos athlètes seront vraisemblablement le reflet de qui vous êtes et non pas de qui vous aimeriez être. Établissez votre propre philosophie et non celle d’un autre entraîneur, car c’est votre style que vous maîtrisez le mieux. En précisant vos attentes à l’équipe et à chaque joueur, les joueurs connaîtront leur rôle et ce qu’on attend d’...Read more

Establishing a Coaching Philosophy

Coaching at any level requires not only developing skills and technical aspects of the sport, but personal development of your athletes. Attributes such as confidence, trust, teamwork, respect and character, which are developed on the field, can be carried over into your athletes’ everyday lives. One way to help build a team that best reflects who you are or what you are trying to build is by...Read more

Circuit Training

Circuit training promises a fast, whole body workout that is a great way to improve skills , mobility, strength and all-round body conditioning. This type of training offers variety, flexibility in its activities, can be simple, complex, general or specific. Usually designed by coaches and fitness instructors, it is a high intensity workout that is easily adaptable for people of all fitness...Read more

Setting smart goals for increased performance

Setting goals is one of the single most beneficial aspects of sport as it provides the foundation for how coaches and athletes go about practice, training and competition plans. It has been proven over and over again that goal setting is one of the most effective techniques for enhancing motivation and performance. A goal is what an athlete wishes to accomplish and can fall into three categories...Read more


SIRC Newsletter now available online: Volunteering Volunteers play an extremely important role in the sport community - without these hard working people, many events simply would not occur. SIRC fully recognizes the value and vital role volunteers contribute every year so that we can continue to build upon our strong tradition of volunteering in sport. Read more: http://www.sirc.ca/newsletters/...Read more

Coaching and Digital Video Analysis

Video analysis in sports can be an indispensable coaching tool - from determining feedback and correction to athletes, to observations on technical and tactical skills. With technological advances, GoPro being the latest popular video recording device, as well as the multitude of video editing programs available, coaches and athletes have the ability to analyse play and performance on a variety...Read more


SIRC Newsletter now available online: Officiating There's no arguing, officiating comes with its challenges! Today's officials are fit, smart and passionate about what they do. Many are experts in their sport – from techniques, tactics, skills and strategies to formations in the game, it’s a job that deserves respect. Officials come from all walks of life, parents, teens, coaches and former...Read more