Optimal performance in a trusting frame of mind

Athletes practice and train to be able to duplicate what they have learned from these sessions come match time. Being instinctive during a game allows for consistency and proper execution. To be able to compete at your best, an athlete’s trust in the skills learned and developed during practice can lead to better performances and build mental toughness . In team sports, players are united in the...Read more

Water Safety

With summer just around the corner, many families will spend those hot days in pools, ponds and lakes, splashing around, having fun and keeping cool. Most children love to play in and around water, so knowing basic water safety is essential to keep you and your family safe this season. “Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death to children ages 1-4” – Safe Kids Worldwide Basic Water...Read more

Goal orientations: task vs. ego

Goal setting is great way to help an athlete be able to achieve their ideal performance. Having a set of goals keeps the athlete motivated to be consistent with training and get results during competition as the goals should be realistic, offer feedback, and provide a sense of accomplishment. There are two types of goals orientation presented in athletic achievement goal theory : task orientation...Read more

My Kind of Fun

What does fun mean to you? Does it involve donuts, maybe a pint of beer, or possibly becoming a human kaleidoscope? No matter how you define fun, the odds are pretty good that it’s been combined with a race course to create the perfect fun run just for you. Here is selection of fun runs that might inspire you to start training for a race. Krispy Kreme Challenge A challenge that might get your...Read more

Concussions - SIRC Newsletter

Concussion is a topic that affects everyone in sport in some way whether you are a coach, athlete, trainer, physician, or director. A concussion is more than just a headache or a temporary loss of cognitive ability. It’s an injury that is invisible and destructive if not handled properly. With the amount of concussion resources available online, it can be difficult to find the best and most...Read more

Preparing for the final weeks of wrestling season

The championship season is just around the corner and from the coach’s point of view, the athletes who have reached this stage have done so through consistent training. They have prepared well and their workouts have been periodized to peak during this phase of the season. In wrestling , the plan coaches and athletes set forth at the beginning of the preseason can only be tweaked since major...Read more

How do you prevent low-back pain?

Nearly everyone at some point has back pain that interferes with work, routine daily activities, or recreation. Most occurrences of low back pain tend to go away within a few days. However by strengthening your core, improving your posture and increasing your daily exercise you could prevent it from happening at all. Back pain is a common condition—affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point in...Read more

Periodization: Preparation for Success

“One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” Arthur Ashe . Athletes devote many hours of training over a season with a support team consisting of coaches, trainers and doctors to ultimately get the chance to compete at their highest levels. Preparation can be a deciding factor in whether an athlete is ready to perform well. This makes...Read more

Use Your Head ... Safely!

Concussion awareness and prevention has been a rising issue throughout the sports world in recent years. Particular attention is being paid to head injury in youth sports and its lasting effects as children get older. For the game of soccer, this means addressing the necessity of ‘heading’ in youth divisions. Heading in soccer occurs when a player uses their head to alter and control the...Read more

The effectiveness of a pre-competition routine

Athletes train to be able to perform with confidence during competition. They prepare both physically and mentally for all sceneries but there are situations that athletes cannot control on competition day such as weather, the venue or their opponents. Sometimes the unexpected can happen creating unwanted stresses. One way to help ensure athletes feel they have some sense of control is by having...Read more