Coaching for Excellence

Why are some coaches deemed more successful than others? What sets them apart? There has been much research concentrated around the concept of identifying ideal characteristics of coaches. A recent article boils some of these concepts down and outlines why coaches succeed while others fail and highlights the following habits of effective coaches: Make training more challenging and more demanding...Read more

Smoothies can be a Quick Fix

If you’re pressed for time but looking for a nutritious fix, a smoothie is an ideal choice. Smoothies can serve as a quick snack or as an addition to a regular meal. An athlete can make a smoothie according to their desires and fitness needs. For instance an athlete looking to lose some weight can make a smoothie comprising of low calorie ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. Fruit and...Read more

Implementing Your Strategic Plan

On February 28, 2012 SIRC hosted the latest in a series sport governance webinars entitled ‘Implementing Your Strategic Plan’ presented by Dina Bell-Laroche of the Sport Law & Strategy Group. The goal of this series of sport governance webinars, done in partnership with Sport Canada and the Canadian Olympic Committee, is to help sport organizations advance good governance within their...Read more


Overtraining occurs when athletes go beyond their training regiments and do not allow enough time for the body to recover. This can damage muscles, tendons, and ligaments and even have a mental effect on the athlete. There are also cases when athletes become ill right before their major event due to overtraining. This is often caused by athletes who are already at their capacity training too hard...Read more

Looking on the Bright Side!

We have often heard that a person’s attitude can colour their view of any situation. Someone with a positive attitude will see a situation quite differently than someone with a more negative attitude. When we have a positive attitude about a situation things seem to go much easier than if we are fighting ourselves. So how can attitude affect us in our fitness and sporting lives? And how can we...Read more

Forever Young

/*--> */ As we all get older, age starts to take a toll on our bodies. For most of us this is a pessimistic outlook that we do not want, therefore we need to take action. Quality of life is just as important as quantity, training is necessary for health and longevity. Exercise suggestions: When going to the gym, a workout should not be focused on a specific area of the body. Most people that work...Read more

Can Deception Improve Athletic Performance?

When we're trying to climb a particularly steep hill, or run those last few kilometers in the marathon, we often try to trick our minds into ignoring any possible aches and pains or believing that those distances are shorter than they seem. If we use it in the context of making an effort seem easier, is it possible to use deception to make performance better? According to an interesting res earch...Read more

For the love of cross-country skiing

Why not get outside and enjoy the winter while getting some exercise? Cross country skiing gives you the ability to do just that! Whether skiers are trying to travel through knee deep snow or a well groomed course, these athletes are outside enjoying nature while getting in some exercise. The best part about cross country skiing is you can make it suit your needs… skiers can go out alone, in...Read more

Have a dream. Find your passion.

2008 Olympic Games - Beijing, China Bird's Nest Stadium Photo credit: Michele Walker If you have ever dreamed of competing in the Olympic Games or playing hockey in the National Hockey League, yet have come to the realization that as an average athlete with a passion, it’s just not going to happen, you may be able to fulfill your Olympic dreams by working in a career in sport. The great thing...Read more

The Need for Fibre

Although it has very little caloric value, fibre is still essential to your diet and offers a wide range of health benefits. The recommended daily allowance of fibre is 20-35 grams per day between soluble and insoluble varieties (although the average daily fibre intake is closer to 15 grams). While all athletes, recreational and competitive, need to make sure of a regular supply of fibre in their...Read more