Talent Identification

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Talent Identification The process of detecting, identifying, and selecting talent is an enormous and difficult challenge that has long been discussed by National Sport Organizations, coaches and sport science experts, among others. Currently, the majority of organizations have talent identification or talent emergence programs in place, with all of them...Read more

Are you Tough Enough?

When preparing for a race, a competition or just everyday exercise, mental preparation plays a vital role in the training process. Mental toughness is the psychological edge that an athlete uses to cope with the demands of training and performances at an event. It allows the athlete to remain consistent, determined, focused, confident and in control under the pressures that they face. Athletes...Read more

Warm up to Train at Your Peak

Everyone is aware of the importance of warming up to improve performance and prevent injury . There is good reason for this practice, because scientists have shown that warm muscles are flexible, resistant to tearing and can produce force more quickly. One of the major problems facing today’s athletes is muscular injury, both recreational and professional. A well-formed warm up will prepare the...Read more

Music for Motivation

Everyone has those days. It's filled with stress and things just dont’t seem to go your way. On those days it just seems more appealing to stay in your pajamas rather than working out. So why not use music as a motivational tool to get your body moving. The idea that music motivates you during exercise is not new, but what is interesting is that recent studies have indicated that music can...Read more

Can Deception Improve Athletic Performance?

When we're trying to climb a particularly steep hill, or run those last few kilometers in the marathon, we often try to trick our minds into ignoring any possible aches and pains or believing that those distances are shorter than they seem. If we use it in the context of making an effort seem easier, is it possible to use deception to make performance better? According to an interesting res earch...Read more

Learning from Disappointment

Athletes and coaches can have good and bad days and they must learn how to deal with both. Knowing what can trigger disappointment and how to deal with it can be beneficial to athlete and coach as well as those around them. A recent article in Modern Athlete & Coach provides tips in both of these areas. Factors leading to disappointment: Unsatisfactory interpretation of results Unsatisfactory...Read more

Compression Garments

Check out the latest SIRC Newsletter on - Compression Garments ! Compression garments were originally designed for therapeutic medical use, especially for those suffering from circulatory conditions. However, over the years researchers have come to observe that there could be benefits to wearing compression garments while exercising and participating in sports. Benefits range from muscle fatigue...Read more