Rotator Cuff Tears - Symptoms and Treatment

Injury to the shoulder is common in sport especially with athletes who depend on regular and heavy use of the shoulder joint, for example: baseball, tennis, badminton, weightlifting, football, golf and swimming. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that work together to stabilize the shoulder joint. It is a ball and socket type joint where the top part of the arm bone (humerus) forms a...Read more

Training logs as effective training tools

Sport is about the pursuit of excellence. Before you can get there, you have to invest a lot of time and effort into training. For cyclists, it means a lot of hours in the saddle, training you body to be able to ride your local road race or if you are one of the best in the world, the Tour de France . The 2013 Tour de France is comprised of 21 stages, completed in a 23 day period, covering over...Read more

Reaching the limit

The training loads for an elite athlete can be taxing, to say the least. Work too little and you won't get the results you want, work too hard and there is chance something will break. It's difficult to understand how the body can cope with the kind of mass training that we demand of it. So the question becomes: How do you know where the line is? Listen to your body - Obviously you cannot stop...Read more

Managing Calf Strains

Whether you are a high performance or recreational athlete, you have all probably experienced cramps in your calves at one point or another. The main cause of calf strain comes from muscle fatigue and can happen while participating in a variety of different sports. It is commonly believed that cramps can be caused by low electrolytes/sodium but so far there has been no evidence to support that...Read more

Overcoming the Fear of Re-injury

Athletes often push their bodies to the limits to keep them fit and make them faster. While this attitude keeps athletes at the top of their game, it also comes with a risk. Injuries are commonplace in the sport community, freak accidents happen to the best of us even with extra precaution and care. After a major injury, an athlete may become 'injury-prone' . This can happen when fears, conscious...Read more

Early Sport Specialization

Popular culture pushes the idea that to succeed at sports, children need to know at a very early age what sport they want to commit themselves to for the rest of their lives in order to get that future scholarship or to reach the professional ranks. While there are a few athletes that have benefited from early specialization , there are more studies coming out that show that it doesn't...Read more

No shoes, no problem?

In 1960, Abebe Bikila ran an Olympic marathon in record time ... shoeless (2:15:16). He did not do it for the freedom of barefoot running but rather could not get a pair proper fitting shoes. There are many arguments being made from both sides of shoes versus barefoot/minimalist debate. While there have been claims that running shoes are causing more injuries, this has not been proven. And on the...Read more

It's more than just an injury

Often when athletes get injured and have to spend time away from sport, we only think about the recovery of the physical injury. A successful return to competition can be dependent on psychological rehabilitation as well. An article from Athletic Therapy Today, ' Psychological Rehabilitation for Recovery From Injury: The SCRAPE Approach ' by Christopher James Hinderliter and Bradley J. Cardinal,...Read more

Healing Shortcut

Following an injury, it is often hard having to sit out and wait to recover. This is when a new therapy has been called into play, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) surgery . The therapy consists of placing athlete’s blood in a centrifuge and reinserting it in the wound. The end result is healed tissue. This therapy is often claims to speed up recovery. However, studies published by the Journal of the...Read more


Overtraining occurs when athletes go beyond their training regiments and do not allow enough time for the body to recover. This can damage muscles, tendons, and ligaments and even have a mental effect on the athlete. There are also cases when athletes become ill right before their major event due to overtraining. This is often caused by athletes who are already at their capacity training too hard...Read more