Établir un objectif

Établir des objectifs est un des aspects les plus bénéfiques du sport puisque cela fournit la base pour comment les entraîneurs et les athlètes organisent les plans d’entraînements et de compétitions. Il a été prouvé à maintes reprises qu’établir un objectif est une des techniques les plus efficaces pour améliorer la motivation et la performance. SIRC a compilé des articles qui parlent de la...Read more

Canada Summer Games - Sherbrooke 2013

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Canada Summer Games - Sherbrooke 2013 The Canada Games is an exciting sporting event that will host 4,200 of Canada's top athletes as they compete in over 20 different disciplines. Supported by over 5000 volunteers, it brings all the provinces and territories together in the largest national multi-sport event for young athletes in Canada. This year it will be...Read more

Énergie pré-entraînement pour les athlètes

Les athlètes de tous les sports et de toutes les capacités se sont demandé à un moment ou un autre quel aliment ils devraient manger avant une session d’entraînement. Pour soutirer le maximum d’un entraînement, vous devrez consacrer du temps et de l’attention à vos habitudes alimentaires * pour connaître ce qui fonctionne le mieux pour votre corps. Plusieurs athlètes craignent les troubles gastro...Read more

Pre-workout fueling for athletes

Athletes of all sports and abilities have wondered at one time or another, what food they should eat before a training session. To get the most out of a workout, you will need to devote some time and attention to your nutrition habits in order to know what works the best for your body. Many athletes fear gastrointestinal distress during competition and will refrain from eating. This can cause...Read more

Surviving the Summer Scorcher

With this summer giving us all scorching weather it may be tempting to many of us to limit our outdoor workouts to 5 am and avoid competing until September. Here's some tips for beating the heat as the temperature and humidity soars. Nutrition - Daily diet can be easily overlooked when dealing with the heat, but increasing water-based foods such as fresh fruit instead of dried such as granola or...Read more

Est-ce que la caféine améliore la performance sportive?

La caféine * a plusieurs effets sur l’organisme dont plusieurs nous sont connus. Les athlètes en consomment fréquemment pour améliorer leur performance, mais est-ce que ça fonctionne vraiment? Les études présentent une diversité de résultats, car les réactions des sujets à la caféine varient considérablement. Il est difficile de vérifier si l’athlète réalise une performance différente puisque les...Read more

Does caffeine improve sport performance?

Caffeine has a wide range of effects on the body, many of which we are very familiar with. It is frequently used by athletes in an attempt to enhance sport performance, but does it actually work? Studies have had mixed results since people vary dramatically in their responses to caffeine. It is difficult to know if an athlete will notice a difference in performance, since those who consume...Read more

Atteindre le cible

Programme des techniques de bibliothèque du Collège Algonquin SIRC Interne La course ne vous convient pas! Vous voulez demeurer physiquement actif, mais autrement! Pourquoi ne pas essayer le tir à l’arc *! En plus d’être un sport prestigieux, c’est une activité qui exige de l’habileté; regardez, par exemple Merida dans Brave, Katniss dans Hunter Games et Oeil-de-faucon dans Avengers. « Ce qu’il y...Read more

Hitting the Mark

by Emily Syer Algonquin College Library Technician Program SIRC Intern Is running not your thing? Looking for a new way to stay physically active? Why not give archery a try? From Merida in Brave, to Katniss in The Hunger Games, and Hawkeye in The Avengers, archery is an admired and skillful sport. “The thing about archery is that everyone can do it and everyone can have a good day at it. You don...Read more

Conquer competition anxiety and harness it for success

Everyone of us has experienced anxiety at one point in our lives, sweaty palms, 'butterflies' in your stomach, your heart starts to pound and you think "I can't do this." Anxiety in athletes usually occurs during high stress moments, competitions, performance evaluations, and fears of re-injury. The good news is there are many ways in which an athlete can take these feelings and use them to their...Read more