Implementing Your Strategic Plan

On February 28, 2012 SIRC hosted the latest in a series sport governance webinars entitled ‘Implementing Your Strategic Plan’ presented by Dina Bell-Laroche of the Sport Law & Strategy Group. The goal of this series of sport governance webinars, done in partnership with Sport Canada and the Canadian Olympic Committee, is to help sport organizations advance good governance within their...Read more

Looking on the Bright Side!

We have often heard that a person’s attitude can colour their view of any situation. Someone with a positive attitude will see a situation quite differently than someone with a more negative attitude. When we have a positive attitude about a situation things seem to go much easier than if we are fighting ourselves. So how can attitude affect us in our fitness and sporting lives? And how can we...Read more

Can Deception Improve Athletic Performance?

When we're trying to climb a particularly steep hill, or run those last few kilometers in the marathon, we often try to trick our minds into ignoring any possible aches and pains or believing that those distances are shorter than they seem. If we use it in the context of making an effort seem easier, is it possible to use deception to make performance better? According to an interesting res earch...Read more

Have a dream. Find your passion.

2008 Olympic Games - Beijing, China Bird's Nest Stadium Photo credit: Michele Walker If you have ever dreamed of competing in the Olympic Games or playing hockey in the National Hockey League, yet have come to the realization that as an average athlete with a passion, it’s just not going to happen, you may be able to fulfill your Olympic dreams by working in a career in sport. The great thing...Read more

The Need for Fibre

Although it has very little caloric value, fibre is still essential to your diet and offers a wide range of health benefits. The recommended daily allowance of fibre is 20-35 grams per day between soluble and insoluble varieties (although the average daily fibre intake is closer to 15 grams). While all athletes, recreational and competitive, need to make sure of a regular supply of fibre in their...Read more

Olympic Legacy: Inspiration for 2012

The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in London have made a promise to reach out the world’s youth in an effort to connect them to the inspirational power of the Olympics, hence they have developed the “ International Inspiration ” program. This legacy programme, a promise made by the 2012 Olympic Games bid team, is already changing the lives of less fortunate kids in underdeveloped countries...Read more

Winter Cycling

/*--> */ by Michelle Caron Algonquin College Library Technician Student SIRC Intern Peering outside in the morning darkness when it’s cold and windy outside is enough to discourage even the most determined cyclists. However, making the appropriate adjustments for the climate in the winter months can make Wear bright clothing, winter consists of shorter daylight hours and flying snow can make it...Read more

Can endurance athletes be vegetarians?

by Michelle Caron Algonquin College Library Technician Student SIRC Intern All athletes want to be better, faster and stronger than their opponents. On race days, athletes need food that will give them the energy to get through to the end of the day. In order to accomplish this goal, the right combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats are required. Endurance athletes need to consume more...Read more

Two Cities Vie for the Friendly Games in 2018

Logo credit: Commonwealth Games Federation The host city of the 2018 Commonwealth Games will be announced by the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) this Friday, November 11, 2011 at 6pm local time from Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis. I n the running are two cities, one on the Asian continent and the other on the Oceanic continent. The south coastal Sri Lankan city of Hambantota was devastated...Read more

Knowledge in Action!

/*--> */ November is a busy month in the world of sport information sharing and knowledge transfer. With a variety of conferences and summits on the calendar, SIRC will be present in the following locations: Sport Canada Research Initiative Conference (SCRI) – Aylmer, Quebec (November 3, 2011) SIRC hosts sport researchers, policy makers and practitioners sharing their knowledge and expertise with...Read more