Does protein aid recovery?

In recent years, Athletes should be able to get the required amount of protein for their needs by talking to a registered dietitian and altering their diets to match their training. Some good examples of protein to add to your diet are: milk, cheese, eggs, meat, fish, assorted beans, peas lentils and grains. Achieving a balance between training, competition stresses and recovery is very important...Read more

Fuel your body for winter

This time of year life gets tends to get a little busier and with all the events during the holiday season it's easy to let Omega 3's - For those Canadians that suffer from Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD), nutrition experts recommend introducing Omega-3 fats in your diet since these have been shown to relieve symptoms of mild depression. Salmon, walnuts and flax seeds are all good sources of...Read more

Walking on pins and needles?

Nerves that get stuck and irritated by swollen muscles or ligaments can be a torment to athletes. The ultimate goal for any athlete experiencing the pain of a pinched nerve is to alleviate any pain or discomfort you are feeling, all while working within your boundaries and keeping up a comfortable range of motion. As an athlete it's important to know what to look for so you'll have a better...Read more

Are you working hard enough?

Any periodization training plan requires at least some measurement of work - daily, weekly or monthly. The challenge occurs when we try to balance work and recovery in the short, medium, and long term. One way to determine how hard your body is working is to measure your rate of perceived exertion or RPE. Simply put, RPE is our perception of how hard we're working based on how we feel. Athletes...Read more

Puzzled by Periodization Training?

Periodization training is the division of a training year(s) into a cycle of of several phases, each phase devoted to different training methods and objectives. In it's most general form, a periodized training program will span 6 months to one year with the exception of Olympic athletes who plan for four years. Each phase is divided up over the designated time period with each phase devoted to...Read more

Share the path

If you are lucky enough to have access to multi-use recreational pathways and trails, consider it a wonderful privilege. Many pathways go through parks and along rivers providing excellent scenery and a great place to be active and enjoy the outdoors. These places provide not only a place to exercise, they provide a space away from city traffic so that people can enjoy the little snippets of...Read more

Coaching: How to deal with life’s littlest challenges!

Children are encouraged to participate in sport because physical activity and play can be a great outlet to help the body get out excess energy and release endorphins. Children will test, explore their environment, and act impulsively sometimes but as a coach it's important to be able to recognize when there is a problem more significant than normal development . If you have a challenging child...Read more

What gets your heart racing?

With an abundance of fun tech available, more of us are using a variety of tools to enhance our workouts. Measuring your heart rate can be useful and is something that a lot of people are incorporating into their training. That being said, many of us rely on our gadgets to provide us with this information but do we really know how to utilize it? Did you know? 1. Heart rates are specific to the...Read more

Myths and Truths on Juicing

Many people tout the health benefits of adding freshly squeezed juice to our diets, but with all the conflicting information out there it can be hard to know what is true and what is not. When talking about adding fresh squeezed juice (fruit or vegetable), we are referring to the fresh juice that you can easily make at home if you have the right equipment. Juicing gets rid of the toxins in your...Read more

Get the Warm up Low-down for Kids

When playing sports, warming up is a must and with kids there's an entirely different approach to coaching them through warm up drills . The value of a warm up created for children is that it raises the body temperature and heart rate, prepares the muscles and joints for activity, and helps to prevent injury. However, most people aren't aware that proper warm up also sets the mood and pace for...Read more