Not Your Average Winter Sports - SIRC Newsletter

Winters in Canada are filled with fun, lots of snow and hot chocolate! When we think of winter sports, the first that come to mind are skating sports such as hockey, ringette or figure skating, snow sports such skiing, snowboarding or cross-country skiing. But winter sport enthusiasts are always finding fun and unique ways to spend time outside. Some of these sports may sound familiar whereas...Read more

Olympic Legacy: Inspiration for 2012

The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in London have made a promise to reach out the world’s youth in an effort to connect them to the inspirational power of the Olympics, hence they have developed the “ International Inspiration ” program. This legacy programme, a promise made by the 2012 Olympic Games bid team, is already changing the lives of less fortunate kids in underdeveloped countries...Read more

Healthy Holiday Eating

Tis the season of good cheer and holiday celebrations. Keeping your basic dietary and exercise lifestyle habits on track helps to combat that holiday weight gain. Research shows that one-off over-indulgences do not cause weight gain, rather the weight gain is induced by the gradual and sustained caloric increases or dietary habits that are developed as long term behaviours. So while it is fine to...Read more

Winter Cycling

/*--> */ by Michelle Caron Algonquin College Library Technician Student SIRC Intern Peering outside in the morning darkness when it’s cold and windy outside is enough to discourage even the most determined cyclists. However, making the appropriate adjustments for the climate in the winter months can make Wear bright clothing, winter consists of shorter daylight hours and flying snow can make it...Read more

Feet First

Like most things in life, a strong and balanced foundation is crucial and this also applies to the human body. The solution to some of the body's most nagging ailments could quite simply be resolved by wearing the right type of shoes for your type of body and its mechanics. Pronation is the term used to describe the normal motion of the foot when it strikes the ground during the gait cycle...Read more

Can endurance athletes be vegetarians?

by Michelle Caron Algonquin College Library Technician Student SIRC Intern All athletes want to be better, faster and stronger than their opponents. On race days, athletes need food that will give them the energy to get through to the end of the day. In order to accomplish this goal, the right combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats are required. Endurance athletes need to consume more...Read more

Dance for Fitness

The debate on the athleticism, physical requirements and benefits of dancing is finally being put to rest and the sport is gaining much deserved respect. Generally an aerobic exercise, regular sessions of dancing can bring well known health benefits , such as: weight control flexibility strength endurance reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease a sense of psychological well-being However,...Read more

SAIT Slides into Sport Research

We often speak about the significance that participating in sport brings to improving our well-being socially, mentally and spiritually. But on the competition side, those involved in sport are also always looking for ways to improve their performance, which will range from the psychology and physiology of sport to improving the equipment used . These tools of the trade not only include moving...Read more

The Art of Waxing

Seeing as it’s the end of November, some areas of Canada have already seen snow, while others are one big snow storm away. If you are thinking of taking up cross country skiing, now is a good time to start thinking about preparing for the ski season before the trails are calling your name. As Cross Country Canada says, cross-country skiing is easy to learn and its benefits for health and wellness...Read more