
Les bénévoles jouent un rôle très important dans la communauté sportive et, sans ces personnes totalement dévouées à leurs activités, plusieurs événements ne verraient pas le jour. SIRC est conscient de la valeur et du rôle vital joué par les bénévoles dans le sport chaque année et souhaite que cette solide implication se poursuive. et plus encore: http://sirc.ca/newsletters/may13/Index_f.htmlRead more


SIRC Newsletter now available online: Volunteering Volunteers play an extremely important role in the sport community - without these hard working people, many events simply would not occur. SIRC fully recognizes the value and vital role volunteers contribute every year so that we can continue to build upon our strong tradition of volunteering in sport. Read more: http://www.sirc.ca/newsletters/...Read more

Entraînement et analyse des vidéos numériques

L’analyse vidéo * peut s’avérer un outil d’entraînement sportif indispensable pour effectuer une rétroaction, apporter des correctifs ou observer des comportements techniques et tactiques. Les avancées technologiques ont permis de mettre sur le marché une variété d’appareils d’enregistrement vidéo, GoPro étant le plus récent dispositif sur le marché; les entraîneurs et les athlètes peuvent...Read more

Coaching and Digital Video Analysis

Video analysis in sports can be an indispensable coaching tool - from determining feedback and correction to athletes, to observations on technical and tactical skills. With technological advances, GoPro being the latest popular video recording device, as well as the multitude of video editing programs available, coaches and athletes have the ability to analyse play and performance on a variety...Read more

Coaching - Motivating Young Athletes

A coaches job can assume many roles within a young athlete's life; they can be an instructor, a mentor, a role model and sometimes a friend or confidant. Coaches have the ability to positively influence a youth's decision to continue their involvement in sport. So what do you do if your player or team is lacking the motivation for success? Provide encouragement - acceptance and approval by...Read more

Conquer competition anxiety and harness it for success

Everyone of us has experienced anxiety at one point in our lives, sweaty palms, 'butterflies' in your stomach, your heart starts to pound and you think "I can't do this." Anxiety in athletes usually occurs during high stress moments, competitions, performance evaluations, and fears of re-injury. The good news is there are many ways in which an athlete can take these feelings and use them to their...Read more

Let kids play!

Most experts agree that Canadian children need to increase their physical activity . We also know that organized sport can help achieve that. However, concentrating on one sport or putting too much focus on winning may lead to kids dropping out of sport altogether. A recent survey has shown that the main reason that kids drop out of sport is that they just aren't having fun anymore. While...Read more

Maintaining Motivation

Some of you may have started running, cycling, or joined a class within the last year and have found that your exercise has become a "must do" rather than something you look forward to. Whatever you do, sometimes it can be good to remind yourself of what motivated you started your training in the first place. Seek out new experiences - With any activity you perform day in and day out, the...Read more

Cross Training for the Winter Season

Cross training , whether it's done as whole other sport or alternate activity can be a fantastic mental and physical break from your regular training. Splitting up your daily routine with weight-lifting, spinning or swimming for example, gives you a whole new set of skills to focus on and inserts you into a fresh atmosphere with a different group of people. A big benefit of cross training is that...Read more

Motivational coaching, is it a matter of carrot or stick?

Whether you are coaching athletes in elementary, high school or any age, one of the biggest challenges a coach can face is how to motivate their players. To start, you need to establish your expectations , this will determine your role within the team and let your players know what kind of coach you are going to be. What's a coach to do? Know your athletes as more than just "players" who are put...Read more