Are you Tough Enough?

When preparing for a race, a competition or just everyday exercise, mental preparation plays a vital role in the training process. Mental toughness is the psychological edge that an athlete uses to cope with the demands of training and performances at an event. It allows the athlete to remain consistent, determined, focused, confident and in control under the pressures that they face. Athletes...Read more

Managing Calf Strains

Whether you are a high performance or recreational athlete, you have all probably experienced cramps in your calves at one point or another. The main cause of calf strain comes from muscle fatigue and can happen while participating in a variety of different sports. It is commonly believed that cramps can be caused by low electrolytes/sodium but so far there has been no evidence to support that...Read more


SIRC Newsletter now available online: Engagement With London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics still in everyone’s minds, it’s important to leverage this momentum to get more people engaged in sport. Sport has always promoted inclusion within the community; it supports participation and fun regardless of your gender, religion, ability, ethnicity, age or disability. Sport provides an avenue for...Read more

Twitching Muscles

While watching the Olympics, did you ever wonder why there was such a big difference in the physiology of endurance runners and sprint runners? Turns out, it's all in their genes. Humans have three different types of muscle fibres : Slow-twitch (Type I) - fibres are used for aerobic activities requiring low-level force production, such as walking and maintaining your posture. To be successful as...Read more

High Tech Exercise

With today's technology, there are many ways to measure the physical work you do, whether it be sports, workouts or your daily footsteps. Measuring your activity, regardless of what you're doing, delivers instant feedback that can keep you accountable to your fitness goals . Don't be intimidated by some of the high-tech equipment that's available, even basic, easily collected data can be very...Read more

When is Pain "Acceptable"?

Anyone who has trained even moderately will have experienced pain sometime during a workout. However, if we all stopped exercising every time we had an ache or pain, we'd never get off of the couch. When you experience pain, it's your body telling you that it is under stress and being potentially damaged. Guidelines are always helpful in determining the extent of an injury but if you are in a lot...Read more

Maintaining your Summer Fitness Gains

Many of us have been taking advantage of this hot summer to exercise and further our training goals, so with fall just around the corner, how can we maintain the fitness gains we worked so hard to attain? Consistent commitment to any exercise training involves a lot of motivation, effort and hard work that we don't want to see decline over the winter months. Long-term exercise training has many...Read more

Coaching Young Athletes

As a coach, there is always a chance that you will spot exceptional talent in a young athlete. When this happens, it can be easy to forget that that talent is wrapped inside the body and mind of a child. Kids think differently than adults, especially when they are younger. Abstract thinking doesn't really start developing until adolescence, so it can be quite a challenge as a coach to effectively...Read more

Carb Comas and Carb Loading

References from the SIRC Collection: 1. Beelen M, Burke L, Gibaia M, Van Loon L. Nutritional Strategies to Promote Postexercise Recovery. International Journal Of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism . December 2010;20(6):515-532. 2. Bell J. Triggers That Changed Our Eating in the Past 30 Years. IDEA Fitness Journal . July 2012;9(7):98-107. 3. Burke L. Fueling strategies to optimize...Read more

Going for Gold!

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Going for Gold! With the 2012 Paralympics just around the corner (Aug. 29-Sept. 9), adaptive athletes are putting on the finishing touches to their preparations. The excitement and spirit of competition will come alive for 10 days when we all get to watch the dedication, hard work and motivation that will pay off when this year's Canadian Paralympians go for...Read more