This is going to hurt!

If any of you have been following this year's Tour de France , you have likely witnessed some spectacular crashes. Even if you are not a pro cyclist, many have you have probably fallen off of your bike at some point and the result is quite painful. Road rash , road burn or gravel rash are all names for what is quite simply your skin moving along a rough surface (usually at high speeds), most...Read more

Bad workouts equal bad days, or do they?

We have all experienced those days where we just seemed a little off and we didn't reach the exercise goal we had set for ourselves. Most stress and worry about these days, but it might be worthwhile to think of these 'bad' workouts as a learning experience . If you have a workout that goes poorly, evaluate if that workout fits your personal workout style. Understanding your strengths and...Read more

Is Stretching Really Necessary?

Stretching is an activity that we all know is beneficial to us but it's often overlooked. Stretching is necessary to a body in motion in order to help prevent injury and prepare the muscles for work. However, stretching is not a warm-up, in fact, stretching requires a warm-up. Stretching when your body is not warmed up can cause tiny tears in your muscle and also make you more prone to injury...Read more

Are Sports Drinks a Waste of Money?

Sports drinks are extremely popular right now and with so many appearing on the market all claiming different things, before you buy, you should know what's in those bottles and how to use them properly. Sports drinks are made to replenish the body's fluid losses during intense physical exercise, and the "classic" sports drinks (Gatorade, Powerade) aim to accomplish three things: Prevent...Read more

Do Quick-fix Diets Work?

It’s human nature to be on the lookout for the " magic diet/pill " that will give us that quick-fix when it comes to losing weight. This attitude has fueled the craze for new fad diets while encouraging the belief that if we eat specific “healthy” foods the weight will just come off. Can these diets give us what we are looking for? Well, the quick and easy answer is no. New research has found...Read more

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 12:13

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Mental Training You’ve worked hard and your body is in peak condition, it’s important to ensure your mind is also ready for the competition ahead. Studies show that the highest achieving athletes are those who train not just physically, but mentally as well. Every athlete has suffered from nervousness or anxiety and without mental training these nerves will...Read more

Early Sport Specialization

Popular culture pushes the idea that to succeed at sports, children need to know at a very early age what sport they want to commit themselves to for the rest of their lives in order to get that future scholarship or to reach the professional ranks. While there are a few athletes that have benefited from early specialization , there are more studies coming out that show that it doesn't...Read more

Be a Positive Role Model

Most children will say that their role model or idol is someone famous, but it is the people they see everyday that have the biggest influence. A role model is a person whose behaviour or success can be emulated by others, especially young people. This includes, parents, siblings, teachers and even coaches ; each person plays a significant role in the development of that child. Professionalism '...Read more

And the Winners are...

The Impact of Applied Research on Athletic Excellence - High Performance Category is awarded to: Dr. Kim Dorsch from the University of Regina for her paper titled " The relationship between the extent and the intensity of stressful experience of Canadian minor hockey officials. " Dr. Dorsch's specialty involves the social psychology of physical activity and health, focused specifically on aspects...Read more

SIRC at the CASEM Conference!

The SIRC virtual resource centre is on the road this week in Kelowna, BC attending the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine ( CASEM ) conference. It is great talking to the sports medicine community and helping them out with their questions in the area of sport medicine and preventive health interventions. Some of the topics being discussed include: Exercise as a modality for chronic...Read more