Nutrition Strategies for Young Athletes

Young athletes need plenty of energy . They need it to grow, to play and to compete. When it comes to active children or teenagers, it can be easy to skimp on nutrition - we all lead busy lives and snacks, high sugar drinks and fast food are usually quick grab-and-go items. Whole grains, dairy, lean meats and fresh fruits are what the body needs to be at its best. Carbohydrates - Good quality...Read more

Myths and Truths on Juicing

Many people tout the health benefits of adding freshly squeezed juice to our diets, but with all the conflicting information out there it can be hard to know what is true and what is not. When talking about adding fresh squeezed juice (fruit or vegetable), we are referring to the fresh juice that you can easily make at home if you have the right equipment. Juicing gets rid of the toxins in your...Read more

Reflecting on Night Safety

The days are getting shorter, which means that any outdoor workouts done before or after work will probably be done in the dark. For the next few months it's important to take some time to make sure you are prepped to ensure your safety when training at night . Remember to: Dress to be seen - The biggest difference between exercising at night versus during the day is visibility. This is an...Read more

Food for the traveling athlete

As an athlete, there is a good chance that you will be traveling to competitions at some point in your career. Wherever you are, a change in your schedule, environment or even time zone can significantly disrupt an athlete's routine, especially diet. Sometimes when you're tired and hungry it can feel easier to just grab-and-go but it's important to remember that making good food choices on the...Read more

Running a Marathon? Keep Yourself Hydrated

It’s race weekend in Ottawa! Which means people of all ages and fitness levels will be hitting the road running and walking. With the weekend looking like it's going to be a warm one, we all have to remember to take good care of our bodies, most importantly staying hydrated. First of all, sweat contains electrolytes and the main electrolyte lost in sweat is sodium, although how much each...Read more

Hit the Start Line Prepared!

You’ve been preparing for your big competition and it’s finally here. Managing stress when you are about to compete is always a challenge when you’ve put so much effort in the hopes of being successful. Pre-event planning is not something to be overlooked and can be essential to your achieving your goal. Knowing that everything is in order and accounted for can help to ease your mind and help you...Read more

Winter Cycling

/*--> */ by Michelle Caron Algonquin College Library Technician Student SIRC Intern Peering outside in the morning darkness when it’s cold and windy outside is enough to discourage even the most determined cyclists. However, making the appropriate adjustments for the climate in the winter months can make Wear bright clothing, winter consists of shorter daylight hours and flying snow can make it...Read more

Calories Galore!

Nowhere is the necessity of an efficient fuel energy system in an endurance sport more evident than with the cyclists in the Tour de France who ride up to 180km per stage for 21 stages (with only one day of rest) often through some of the most challenging terrains in the world. The Pyrenees, the Alps – mountain roads just don’t get any tougher or higher. At rest, the caloric energy required for a...Read more

“Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.”

There is no doubt that water is essential for life considering that 60-70% of our bodies is made up of water. Consuming just the right amount of water is paramount in not only regulating body temperature, but building new cells, eliminating waste and playing its’ part in producing energy. But can you ever have too much of it? The simple answer is yes, especially if you are working out or...Read more

SIRC Newsletter -Drink Up!

Check out the latest SIRC Newsletter - Drink Up ! Did you know that chocolate milk provides excellent muscle recovery, or cherry juice helps with aches and pains, or that excessive cola consumption can lead to problems with your muscles? We have heard how important it is to stay hydrated when exercising, but there is more to it than fluid intake. Of equal importance is what you drink and when you...Read more