Hitting the Mark

by Emily Syer Algonquin College Library Technician Program SIRC Intern Is running not your thing? Looking for a new way to stay physically active? Why not give archery a try? From Merida in Brave, to Katniss in The Hunger Games, and Hawkeye in The Avengers, archery is an admired and skillful sport. “The thing about archery is that everyone can do it and everyone can have a good day at it. You don...Read more


À n’en pas douter, l’arbitrage est rempli de défis! De nos jours, les arbitres sont des individus en bonne condition physique, perspicaces et passionnés. Bon nombre d’arbitres sont des experts dans leur sport, des points de vue technique, stratégique et des habiletés jusqu’à celui des formations au cours d’un match. C’est assurément une tâche qui mérite le respect. Ces arbitres qui sont des...Read more


SIRC Newsletter now available online: Officiating There's no arguing, officiating comes with its challenges! Today's officials are fit, smart and passionate about what they do. Many are experts in their sport – from techniques, tactics, skills and strategies to formations in the game, it’s a job that deserves respect. Officials come from all walks of life, parents, teens, coaches and former...Read more

Identification et prévention des blessures aux ischiojambiers

Aucun athlète n’est à l’abri d’une blessure aux ischiojambiers .* Le risque d’élongation des ischiojambiers est plus élevé si on pratique une activité comportant de la course, des sauts, des arrêts et des départs. Le sprint, les haies, le handball, le football, le baseball/softball, la course et le soccer sont de bons exemples. Les ischiojambiers comprennent trois muscles * : le semi-tendineux,...Read more

Hamstring Injuries - Identification and Prevention

Hamstring injuries can affect any athlete, at any time. You are more likely to get a hamstring strain if you perform sports that involve a lot of running and jumping or stopping and starting. Sprinting, hurdles, handball, football, baseball/softball, running and soccer are all good examples. The hamstring is formed from three muscles - the semitendinosus, semimembranosus and the biceps femoris -...Read more

A step in the right direction

As I write this blog post I sit at a computer and you probably are as well. When does sitting become excessive? Does sitting really affect your health? Many doctors and health practitioners claim that prolonged sitting (one hour or more) can in fact have a serious impact on your health. Results of prolonged sitting: Reduces energy levels Increases risk of weight gain Six or more hours of sitting...Read more

Parental support in youth sports

Youth sport is a social system that involves children, peers, coaches, and parents, all of whom influence the development of a child's values, attitudes, social relationships and motivation to participate. When parents sign up their child for a sport, they want to support their child but also want to see them succeed. So, as a parent how do you walk the fine line between being involved and being...Read more

Soutien parental dans les sports des jeunes

Les sports des jeunes constituent un système social qui englobe des enfants, des entraîneurs et des parents, qui sont tous des intervenants ayant de l'influence sur le développement des valeurs, des comportements, des relations sociales et de la motivation des enfants. Lorsqu'un parent inscrit son enfant à un sport, il veut l'appuyer et le voir réussir. Alors en tant que parent, comment s'assurer...Read more

Coaching - Motivating Young Athletes

A coaches job can assume many roles within a young athlete's life; they can be an instructor, a mentor, a role model and sometimes a friend or confidant. Coaches have the ability to positively influence a youth's decision to continue their involvement in sport. So what do you do if your player or team is lacking the motivation for success? Provide encouragement - acceptance and approval by...Read more

Stretching it out

Many people make the assumption that stretching and warming up are pretty much the same thing, when in fact they are quite different. Warming up is the preparation of your body for the demands of the physical activity you have planned, whereas stretching is focused on specific areas that are tight and require loosening. While studies have shown mixed results on the effectiveness of stretching,...Read more