
SIRC Newsletter now available online: Volunteerism Volunteerism is considered the backbone of Canada's sport and recreation system. Currently, Canada has over 6.5 million volunteers with 35% of those being involved in sport. Sport volunteers encompass people from all walks of life, from active and retired athletes, coaches and officials to professionals, parents and youth (and more) who want to...Read more

Food for the traveling athlete

As an athlete, there is a good chance that you will be traveling to competitions at some point in your career. Wherever you are, a change in your schedule, environment or even time zone can significantly disrupt an athlete's routine, especially diet. Sometimes when you're tired and hungry it can feel easier to just grab-and-go but it's important to remember that making good food choices on the...Read more

Does exercise help osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis or "common arthritis" is the gradual wearing down of the joint's hyaline cartilage. Our joint's have a shiny, smooth surface at the end of each bone which allows friction and free motion. When this area becomes damaged, thinned or worn away it is known as osteoarthritis. The rubbing of the damaged area is painful and the repetition leads to inflammation, swelling and more pain...Read more

Sports Day in Canada!

Sports Day in Canada is a national celebration of sport at all levels. On the ground, in the week leading up to September 29, over a thousand organizations, schools, teams and towns will hold a blitz of Sports Day in Canada events, with community-wide festivals, try-it days, open houses, games, competitions, meet-and-greets, tournaments, fun runs, spectator events and pep rallies that celebrate...Read more

Don't let age slow you down!

Many of you may not know that the International Council on Active Aging celebrates Active Aging Week , from September 23-29. A lot people participate in this annual event, with this year's theme being many journeys, many destinations. To celebrate this week, we are giving some tips for healthy, active living, so you don't have to let age slow you down! 1. Determine your participation style - Do...Read more

Do Compression Garments Improve Performance?

The use of compression garments has become increasingly popular in recent years, mostly in a post-exercise role where compression tights, arm sleeves, socks and boots are used as a means to speed up recovery. What is less common is their use during exercise to increase performance and minimize fatigue. Do compression garments really improve performance ? The possible effects of compression...Read more

Sport Safety and Accessories

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Sport Accessories and Safety With all the kids back in the classroom, try outs for school sports and classes for phys-ed will be starting up again. Many of you may have already received a note from a coach or phys-ed teacher requesting that students remove all jewelry and accessories before participating in any kind of sport. As a parent or coach, it's...Read more

Should we be eating like cavemen?

Diet trends pop up everyday that make crazy claims for your health, weight and even longevity. Paleolithic diet is referred to as the caveman diet, Stone Age diet or hunter–gatherer diet. This diet consists of foods that are assumed to be available to humans prior to modern agriculture. Most of us know to ignore the latest fad, but there is one diet that seems to be gaining some ground. The What...Read more

Motivational coaching, is it a matter of carrot or stick?

Whether you are coaching athletes in elementary, high school or any age, one of the biggest challenges a coach can face is how to motivate their players. To start, you need to establish your expectations , this will determine your role within the team and let your players know what kind of coach you are going to be. What's a coach to do? Know your athletes as more than just "players" who are put...Read more

Kinesiology Tape

References from the SIRC Collection: 1. COKER P. KINESIOLOGY TAPE: THE LOW DOWN. Sportex Dynamics . April 2012;(32):7-9. 2. How Kinesiology Tape Can Help the Masses. Triathlete . October 2009;(306):129-130. 3. Lowes D. Tale of the tape. Athletics Weekly (Descartes Publishing Ltd.) . July 26, 2012;:54-55. 4. New KT Tape for Pain Relief. Tennis Life . August 2009;:24. 5. TAPE MEASURES. Australian...Read more