
SIRC Newsletter now available online: Sleep Elite athletes push their bodies to extremes every day. This brings with it a considerable degree of physical fatigue while training, traveling and competing. Where fractions of a second often mean the difference between a win and a loss, studies have shown that there is competitive advantage to those athletes who recognize the value of recovery. To...Read more

Fighting Fatigue

Fatigue seems simple: your body has reached its limit, you're tired. The current understanding is that we feel exhausted because of physical factors . Not enough oxygen and fuel to the muscles and decreased blood flow to the brain means that your muscles are no longer able to generate power no matter how hard you try. While this is true, it may not be the only factor in feeling fatigued. A recent...Read more

Icing on the Ache!

Icing an injury is one of the oldest and best known injury treatment strategies, yet there is often confusion among athletes and coaches as to what injuries they should ice, how often and for how long. Based on current research there are no definite answers to these questions however here are some basic guidelines you can follow: 1. Always ice an acute injury involving muscle tears and joint...Read more

Take a deep breath

Breathing is intuitive so most people probably feel it doesn't require special training to get it right. However, it's easy to form bad habits as a result of poor posture, movement patterns and even stress. For athletes, these bad habits can affect the nervous system, contribute to muscle fatigue, and decrease performance, so it's worth taking the time to learn some To learn optimal breathing...Read more

Avoiding painful side stitches

Side stitches or exercise-related transient abdominal pain (ETAP) is not well studied, but it is thought to be caused by a lack of blood flow to the diaphragm which causes pain in the side or shoulder area. While side stitches occur more frequently in people who are out of shape, most of us have experienced pain in our sides at one point or another. One study found that although many people...Read more

Talent Identification

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Talent Identification The process of detecting, identifying, and selecting talent is an enormous and difficult challenge that has long been discussed by National Sport Organizations, coaches and sport science experts, among others. Currently, the majority of organizations have talent identification or talent emergence programs in place, with all of them...Read more

Do I really need a personal coach?

For experienced athletes who wish to reach higher levels of competition, hiring a personal coach may be necessary for continued success. Most people assume that since they've done it on their own so far, they can continue do so, but good coaches do more than just hold a stopwatch. How do I find a coach? Keep in mind that you're probably not going to find the perfect coach in your first Google...Read more

Reflecting on Night Safety

The days are getting shorter, which means that any outdoor workouts done before or after work will probably be done in the dark. For the next few months it's important to take some time to make sure you are prepped to ensure your safety when training at night . Remember to: Dress to be seen - The biggest difference between exercising at night versus during the day is visibility. This is an...Read more

Can Omega-3 fats aid performance?

Omega-3 fats are a type of polyunsaturated fat found naturally in fish oils, which have long been thought to be good for general health. There are claims that it improves everything from brain function, to cardiovascular health, but does it give athletes an edge? A recent study found that Omega-3 fatty acids may increase physical conditioning by improving the efficiency of the cardiorespiratory...Read more

Exercise is a brain booster!

One of the most interesting findings in the last few decades is that the increased oxygen that the brain gets while exercising is almost always accompanied by an upswing in It is interesting to note that these studies determined that the intensity of the exercise mattered less than the frequency. It was found that you don't even have to go for long periods of time, any amount of movement creates...Read more