InBody Body Composition Analyzer

At the Canadian Sport for Life National Summit in Gatineau-Ottawa, Canada, the staff at SIRC got to meet some very friendly and knowledgeable people and we learned a few new things as well. One of the interesting experiences we had was trying out InBody 's body composition analyzer. This machine measures body composition using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) to give you a fast, non-...Read more

High Intensity Interval Training

Many Canadians cite a " lack of time " when asked about barriers to adding physical activity into their lives. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is used by many athletes and fitness enthusiasts to reach their performance goals and enhance their fitness levels. HIIT is a type of cardio training that involves alternating bouts of light-to-moderate intensity with bouts of high intensity. HIIT...Read more

Preventing Burnout in Children

Burnout in sport is defined as “physical/emotional exhaustion, sport devaluation, and reduced over-training and by competing too often. This is an important issue in youth sports because it often leads to dropping out of sport completely. Participation in sport offers many benefits to children and with so many people leading sedentary lifestyles, it's becoming even more important to keep our kids...Read more

Core Training - Not just for your abs!

We've all heard fitness experts claim that core training is important for overall fitness and health. Health clubs offer core training exercise groups and physio therapists recommend it for those recovering from injury. Your core is the collection of muscles that stabilize the spine, this includes the hips, pelvis, abdominals, lower back, mid-back, and neck regions of the body . These muscles are...Read more

Let kids play!

Most experts agree that Canadian children need to increase their physical activity . We also know that organized sport can help achieve that. However, concentrating on one sport or putting too much focus on winning may lead to kids dropping out of sport altogether. A recent survey has shown that the main reason that kids drop out of sport is that they just aren't having fun anymore. While...Read more

Never underestimate the power of a good walk

Walking is one of the least expensive and most accessible forms of physical exercise. It can be adopted by people of all ages and abilities, requires no training and is a great benefit to your health. Walking isn't an exercise that leads to many injuries, although it's still a good idea to equip yourself with proper fitting shoes and loose comfortable clothes . Whatever the weather conditions be...Read more

Sport for Life

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Sport for Life Participation in sport and physical activity is extremely important for the development and the health of your child. We all know this, yet obesity rates are climbing and children spend more time in front of screens than they ever have before. For this and many other reasons, SIRC supports the sport for life movement and its principles for Long...Read more

Gettin' Down and Dirty with Obstacle Racing

Obstacle racing which has exploded in popularity since 2009, requires participants to navigate various obstacles, such as fences, mud pits, and climbing nets, that have to be overcome in order to complete the race. When Tough Mudder launched in 2010 it attracted 20,000 participants in the US, and had Canadians jumping on board with 35,000 participants last year. Many Canadians are also familiar...Read more

Maintaining Motivation

Some of you may have started running, cycling, or joined a class within the last year and have found that your exercise has become a "must do" rather than something you look forward to. Whatever you do, sometimes it can be good to remind yourself of what motivated you started your training in the first place. Seek out new experiences - With any activity you perform day in and day out, the...Read more

Reaching the limit

The training loads for an elite athlete can be taxing, to say the least. Work too little and you won't get the results you want, work too hard and there is chance something will break. It's difficult to understand how the body can cope with the kind of mass training that we demand of it. So the question becomes: How do you know where the line is? Listen to your body - Obviously you cannot stop...Read more